At the end of each quarter, First Farmers Bank & Trust awards employees who are committed to making First Farmers the very best. The award acknowledges employee contributions that have exceeded the expectations for performance throughout each quarter. These employees are nominated because they go above and beyond what is expected of them, while at the same time maintaining a high level of performance toward their regular work activities. These recipients can be nominated by any other employees throughout the bank, and the recipient for each quarter receives two paid days off.
In order to nominate a fellow employee, the person submitting the nomination must turn in a form to the Human Resources Department that outlines the ways in which the employee demonstrated the criteria throughout the quarter. Once all nominations have been received, Human Resources analyzes each nomination, and together, they decide who the recipient will be.
Sharon McGibbon, Steven Cecil and Lanita Ferre have all been recipients of the award this year, and all seem to have one thought in common: A seemingly small thing can make tremendous differences! Small things include commitment, persistence, and additional action to whatever task or activity they undertake because they were aware of the possibilities that occur if they apply a small amount of effort beyond what is normally done. It is through these actions that they were nominated and chosen.
Over the summer, a Caring Heart award was given to Ashley Howell. Ashley received this award because she helped a young man with special needs find his grandparents when they were separated at the Howard County 4-H Fair.
Check back in January to discover who the fourth quarter winner is!