Converse- First Farmers Bank & Trust announced that it will soon begin construction on a new full service branch operation in Huntington to be located at the 200 block of Hauenstein Road . Applications for a full service operation have been placed with both the Federal Reserve and the Indiana Department of Financial Institutions. Construction on the facility will begin during the third quarter and is projected to be completed by the first quarter of 2011 by Felderman Design- Build. Senior Vice President Mark Wolf commented that this new facility is the bank’s next step in the natural progression of growth in Huntington County . “Doug Wilcox , Shari Spahr, and I are all extremely excited to be taking this next step for the organization. First Farmers has been present in Central Indiana for 125 years and their style of community banking is a great fit for the Huntington area”. First Farmers has not set a timetable for additional hiring at this point but estimates that at least 2 more full time employees will be at new the facility than are at the current location at 211 Hauenstein Rd. First Farmers Bank & Trust is a $800 million asset bank based in Converse, IN with 20 locations in Indiana and over 225 employees.