As many of you know, the Greentown Branch does many events and activities throughout the year to raise money for Relay for Life. This year, they challenged the other Howard County branches to come up with ideas to help raise money and Kokomo Central has done just that!
The event is called the "Pretty Pet Contest". From now until February 25th, you can enter a photo of your pet for a $5 entry fee. From the beginning of March until March 25th, the public can come into the branch and vote for the prettiest pet by putting money in a jar that is designated for the pet. At the end of March, the employees at the Kokomo Central branch will add up the money received for each pet and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place cash prizes will be awarded to the top three earners, respectively. The $5 entry fee and the money collected from each pet will be donated to Relay for Life.
The cash prizes for top 3 prettiest pets are as follows:
1st place: $25.00
2nd place: $15.00
3rd place: $10.00
If you are interested in submitting a photo of your pet, stop by any First Farmers branch office to drop off the photo along with your $5 entry fee. They can send both on to the Kokomo Central branch. Be sure to get it submitted by the February 25th deadline though!
Also, be sure to stop from the beginning of March through March 25th to vote for your favorites!