This year's Celebration of Light, presented by First Farmers Bank & Trust, will take place on November 19, 2010 at the Wabash County Courthouse on the North Steps. The event starts at 6:00pm and the following schedule has been announced:
6:00pm-Welcome by Emcee, Jennifer McConahay and a performance by the St. Bernard's Children's Choir
6:08pm-Brian Haupert's Holiday Message
6:13pm-Local Community Representatives light candles of attendees
6:18pm-Courthouse Christmas Lights turn on
6:20pm-Santa Claus arrives to meet with children
6:25pm-Santa leaves the Courthouse via Wabash Transit Bus. Attendees are invited to ride along with him to Modoc's where children can take a free photo and talk to Santa
The photo can be picked up at First Farmers Bank & Trust's Wabash location on or after Tuesday, November 23rd.
We enjoy presenting this ceremony to the community each year and hope you will be able to attend this year's Celebration of Light!