Pictured from left: Russ Felderman, John Hacker, Keith Eller, Erv Ebersole, Steve Kimmel, David Eikenberry, Steve Updike, Kathy Jones, Dan Eads, Shari Spahr, Doug Wilcox, Mark Wolf, Joe Blomeke, Jeff Souder, Mark Wickersham
First Farmers Bank & Trust held a public ground breaking ceremony for their newest location in Huntington at 244 Hauenstein Road at 9:00 a.m. today. The Huntington County Chamber of Commerce, Huntington County United Economic Development Council, First Farmers Bank & Trust staff and officers, Felderman Design Build employees, the Huntington Mayor Steve Updike, City Council members, and others were present at the ceremony.
The branch location is scheduled to be completed during the first quarter of 2011 and is being constructed by Felderman Design Build from Ft. Wayne. The building will be approximately 2,600 square feet with two drive-up lanes, an ATM, and will house five to six employees. Similar to the other First Farmers locations, the newly constructed Huntington office will offer full service banking for Huntington area residents.
“We’re excited to be able to offer new FFBT services to our customers and Huntington residents. We hope it shows that we plan to become a bigger part of this community,” states Mark Wolf, Senior Vice President.
More pictures will be added soon. Check back in the next few months to see the progress on the new building in our photo albums.