Greentown Walk for Relay
The Greentown branch of First Farmers Bank & Trust kicked off their summer with a Relay for Life Walk. The event was scheduled for May 8th, but after a rain delay, the event took place on May 15th. It was their second annual walk and had over 40 walkers this year, including several FFBT employees. It started and ended at the Howard County fairgrounds and the last leg of the walk was called Memory Lane. Along this road, 25 signs were placed and each was in memory of a cancer patient who lost their journey and In Honor signs were placed for those who are still fighting or who have survived. These signs were available for purchase for the race began. The biggest donation came from Connie Bitzell, a Huck’s employee who took up collections at the store. She brought in $326 and a close second was Jill Symons with $300. Overall, the walk raised $2500 and through their many other endeavors, including a Relay Jean Day in June, cookbook sales, bake and craft sale, and a month long auction, the Greentown branch was able to raise over $5000!
Miami County Relay for Life
Run for Freedom 5K/2 Mile Walk a Success in Marion
The Run for Freedom 5K took place on May 22nd at Matter Park. Several people came out to this event that raises money for the SFC Collin J Bowen Memorial Scholarship. The top 3 male finishers in the 5K were Steve Shulze, Corbin Buckler, and Ryan Velaquez. The top 3 female finishers were Sophie Seward, Tracy Lester, and Maria Brown. Feel free to click on the link to watch a highlight video from the event. Greg Thompson participated in this event and sponsored the event on behalf of First Farmers.
Russiaville Wins Auction at Western Days Festival
During the first weekend in July, First Farmers participated in Russiaville’s annual Western Days festival. Each year, the local business decorate a hat to auction at the event. This year, as First Farmers Bank & Trust, Celeste Smith and the rest of the staff decorated a Western hat with money and other FFBT items. Their hat won the auction at the festival this year, raising $62.00. This money goes to the Spirit of Russiaville to help fund next year’s festival.
Culver Branch Sponsors Swim for Kid’s Sake
This year, First Farmers’ Culver branch sponsored the Swim for Kid’s Sake event at Lake Maxinkuckee on June 12th. The idea for this event came when Mallory Mead and her father raced across Lake Maxinkuckee as part of her English Channel send-off party. The event included an open water skills clinic taught by former World Open Water Champion Erica Rose, and a ½ mile, 1 mile, 5K, and 10K race. All proceeds from the event went toward Mallory’s fundraising initiatives for Riley Hospital for Children and the PLGA Foundation. A dinner was held the night before at the Culver Cove Resort and at the event, Mallory and Erica shared their experiences. Chad Van Herk, branch manager of our Culver branch, swam in the 1 mile race and came in 1st place!! Chad sponsored the race on behalf of First Farmers and also raised an additional $300 through individual contributions from members of the Kiwanis Club, Chamber of Commerce and other area businesses. Great job, Chad!
Employee Outing
On June 27th, First Farmers held an employee outing for employees and their families at the Ft. Wayne Zoo. Several employees brought their friends and family and had a great day swimming, looking at animals, and riding rides. Pictures from their experiences are posted in a separate photo album on our Facebook page.
The annual 4-H Fairs are a major event for almost all of our branches. Two major events took place at the Howard County and Cass County Fairs. In addition to our Find a Friend event at the Howard County fair, several employees also helped out at the auction, purchased animals, and volunteered for other local organizations. The Cass County branches of FFBT hosted the 2nd annual performance of Cook & Belle at the Cass County 4H Fair. Cook & Belle, a Christian soul band, performed on July 15th, along with their son Seth. The employees who attended the event were impressed with the turnout for the event and thought the performance was wonderful.
At the Tipton County 4-H Fair, employees participated in several events and donated and distributed watermelon to attendees at the fair after the hog show on July 20th. The Tipton branch has been doing this for several years and enjoy being able to offer refreshments during a usually hot afternoon.
The Huntington branch purchased animals at the fair and were also available at their booth to answer questions about First Farmers and to talk about the recent news! They have also attended the Huntington County Expo and the Senior Expo.
The north branches also do a lot for the local fairs. Chad and Bruce purchased animals and Janet participated in the auction as she has for many years. They also purchased blueberries. These blueberries are donated every year by a local producer and the proceeds go to the fair board. The picture is Bruce and Janet with the two Starke County Fair Achievement Winners.
Greg Thompson bid on animals at the Grant, Blackford, Madison, and Hamilton County fairs and worked in the Pork Tent for the Indiana Pork Association at the Indiana State Fair.
At the Boone County fair, Acacia Scott, a summer intern at our Sheridan branch was named Boone County 4-H Queen.
Pictures from several of these events will be available to view in our albums this week on Facebook!